Class Policies


You can pretty much drop this class anytime.  Adding is a bit trickier, but dropping is no problem.


If you are in 208s, you need only show up for the seminar.  If you are in 209s,  you also need to occasionally read papers related to the speaker and comment on the speaker with written responses to questions. These responses should be turned in on paper AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEMINAR.

Most of you will never have a reason to miss the seminar, but certainly none of you should have more than 2 reasons to miss a seminar, which is to say if you can’t show up for at least 8 meetings of the class, you probably should take it another quarter.


This class is designed to introduce you to research.  You are therefore expected to ask questions during seminars and participate in discussion. Every student must ask at least one question during the quarter in a seminar session. To prepare you for discussion, you will turn in reflections BEFORE class each time there is one assigned. These should be short (a paragraph or two). The paper to read will be provided by email, and this will only happen a few times throughout the quarter.


Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. This means BEING ON TIME to the seminar and paying attention during talks. Students are expected to follow the university’s code of academic conduct. Cases of suspected academic misconduct will be immediately forwarded to the Dean of Student Affairs, and will be pursued to resolution. This is an unpleasant process for all involved, so please do not put yourself in this situation.

This class is graded S/U. Therefore you must do the following things to PASS:

***Attend at least 8 of 10 seminars

***Write acceptable responses to papers when asked to do so (at most 4 times in a quarter).